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We believe strongly that Christian education is not a commodity, but a ministry. It is a partnership between us and you, your child’s most important educator, and finding the right fit for your child is the most important part.

We understand that the decision to send your child to a private school is a big one. It is usually accompanied by sacrifice and cutting back in other areas to make it financially possible. We’ll do our very best to help, if Joshua Academy is the right place for your child.

Financial aid snapshot:

  • 96% of our families receive financial aid of some kind.

  • 81% of students receive LEARNS Act (Education Freedom Account) funding that paid over 75% of their tuition.

  • 33% received full funding through scholarships + LEARNS.

  • The average out-of-pocket tuition payment for our families this year is only 23% of tuition cost, or about $180/mo.

We offer four financial aid/scholarship opportunities for our families in need: