Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Yes. Joshua Academy is a ministry of Jubilee Church, a Holy Spirit-filled, non-denominational church located in Van Buren, AR. Read more about Who We Are.

  • No. Joshua Academy is a “missional” school. While all affiliated school staff and board members are believers in Christ and seek to live our lives accordingly, we offer our school to any family and student who will receive our beliefs as having value in their own lives, regardless of their own religious or secular convictions. Read more about Our Values.

  • No. Joshua Academy logo t-shirts are available from our Store and are required for all field study trips but daily uniforms are not required. Students will receive one t-shirt at the start of the school year. Dress code guidelines are available in the Parent Handbook.

  • We participate in several scholarship programs (see Tuition Info page). In fact, almost all of our families receive some type of financial aid. We do not offer automatic discounts for multiple children but do encourage these families to apply for a scholarship or financial aid if there is a need.

  • Absolutely! We welcome families from any location to apply. While you would not be eligible for LEARNS/EFA funding, you can still be considered for ACE Scholarships and private awards from JA.

  • Joshua Academy welcomes children with some different abilities. We do not, however, have a dedicated special education teacher at our school, so there are special needs that might be difficult for our teachers to accommodate. We will, however, work with children who have an existing IEP and may be using resources from the public school (VBSD provides speech), if we believe that it is in the child’s best interest to do so. You are encouraged to speak with our Head of School about your child’s specific needs.

  • For 2024-25 we serve 117 students in Kindergarten through 7th grade. We will add one higher grade each year until we are a full K-12th grade school.

  • Our curriculum is designed for 2-year cycles and the teacher moves with the students from K to 1st, 2nd to 3rd, 4th to 5th grade. This arrangement provides stability and continuity for each classroom and allows the teacher to really know each student well. Read more about our curriculum here.

  • In order to receive LEARNS (EFA) funding, we must follow the state guidelines for age of entry into Kindergarten. The law states
    ”Children may enter kindergarten in an Arkansas public school if they will attain the age of five (5) years on or before August 1 of the year in which they are seeking initial enrollment.”

  • We do not offer school lunches at this time. As we grow, we will consider this option. Students pack a snack and lunch each day.

  • We are a full-time, full-day school.

    School hours: 8:00 am - 3:05 pm

    Drop off: 7:30 - 7:55 am

    After care: 3:05 - 6:00 pm

  • You may drop your child off as early as 7:30 am at no charge. We offer aftercare for an additional fee from 3:25-6 pm ($5/day until 4:30pm, $10/day until 6 pm).