Admissions & Financial Aid

Applications for the Fall open for new students on Feb. 1st. Our admissions process requires parents to first meet with the Head of School to tour the school and discuss goals for your child. Applying for admission allows your child to be considered for an interview if there is a spot in his or her grade.



Tours for 24-25 enrollment are available now, 25-26 will begin late Fall


After you apply for admission you may apply for financial aid below

STEP 4: If your child is offered enrollment, there is a $250 nonrefundable enrollment fee per child to guarantee the spot in the class. At the time of enrollment you will select a payment plan through FACTS who charges $25 or $55 per family to administer your payment plan for the year, depending on the plan you choose.

There are four agencies we work with for financial aid:


    LEARNS (AR school choice) makes our school so affordable! For 2024-25, students must still meet eligibility criteria to receive a $6,700 Education Freedom Account (EFA) that can be used toward tuition, but starting in 2025-26, ALL Arkansas kids are eligible! No charge to apply.
    More information here
    Apply here

  • ACE Scholarships

    This is a non-profit agency that awards both private awards and Arkansas Tax Credit (Philanthropic investment in AR Kids) awards. Awards are based on income and range from $3,000-$4,500. Open Feb-April 15. $30 charge per family to apply.
    More information here.
    Apply here.

  • Reform Alliance

    This agency awards funds from the Arkansas Tax Credit program (Philanthropic Investment in AR Kids). Families can receive both ACE and Reform Alliance awards. $6,000 awards are based on income. No charge to apply.
    More information here
    Apply here

  • Joshua Academy Scholarships

    These are privately funded awards from our donors, dispersed based on family need. If you have exhausted all three of the other options and still have unmet financial need, we encourage you to apply. $40 charge per family to apply.
    Apply here (District code is JA-AR)